GrandMa’s Delicious Cakes – A Forgotten Hill Tale

Time for something sweet in Forgotten Hill! Introducing a brand new Forgotten Hill Tale: a relaxing autumn afternoon, an unexpected job and a kind host, enjoy GrandMa’s Delicious Cakes!

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85 thoughts on “GrandMa’s Delicious Cakes – A Forgotten Hill Tale

  1. Um so I set the mouse trap with the cheese and that huge rat came how do I get rid of it without dying????pls help !!!

  2. Hello there FH team. This is a wonderful and scary game with a lot of effort in it, I’m sure. But just one thing: I played this game and got the FAIL ending, then I watch the walkthrough and see that the pest man got away and the grandma vanished. You clicked the plate, and I did the same thing but I still got a FAIL ending? Did you change it or something? Pls let me know.

    1. If you get the fail ending (Which, I assume you got the ending where the grandma turned into a monster), you’re supposed to poison the mango fruit so the Grandma dies instead of turning into a monster.

  3. Grandma’s delicious cakes… Il y a deux finales à ce jeux, j’ai fait la finale 1, comment faire pour avoir la finale 2 ?

  4. I just want to know one thing: If she wanted us to get the ‘rats’ so bad, why doesn’t sje just give us the keys to the attic and basement? It’s like telling someone to go fight in a war without a gun!

    1. So you click the strawberry, then the cherry, then the strawberry and cherry one, and so on. But you have to do them all in order!

  5. my name is samy and I want to say I’m crazy about Forgotten Hell games And I hope that you will continue in this way and produce new games and in conclusion, I love the Hell Forgotten series of games 🙂 😉 =) *-* 0a0 Thanks for everything

    1. Forgotten Hill* But playing the Forgotten Hill games is the most fun I’ve ever had in my life!!! If i had to choose between Forgotten Hill or any other game in the world, Forgotten Hill would be my choice.

        1. count the number of leaves on the flowers of the respective color and use the magazine to see what number is what symbol 🙂

    1. You need to go to the room with the cake machine and do: Three Flowers//Blank Brown Icing//Blank Cake//Checkered Cake//Blank Cake//Vertical Lined Cake and press Go. Then collect the key and go to the room with the trapdoor and use the key on it.

      1. These are some amazing games been a fan keep up the good work! P.S. theae would be some pretty cool Halloween costumes my favorite would be The Gambler (Theodore Ostergard) he is ick

  6. al jugar este juego me siento medio triste ya que he jugado todos los juegos y se que después de terminar este juego me sentiré medio vacía ya que estos juegos realmente me parecieron increíbles y estaría encantada si hubiera mas de esto :”)

  7. Is the game “Grandma’s Delicious Cake” in a WebGL-Version? If yes – it does not load. Why? Would be very thankful for any helpful answers. Thanks in advance.

    1. o do bolo tem que descobrir o valor de cada bolo, é facil pois tem uma coluna que é 150, sao 3 bolos iguais, então cada bolo é 50, dai é só descobrir o valor do outro bolo e fazer as contas, dá 145

    2. Yes, you must find the number for each slice of cake. Divide 150 in 3 and then you have the number for the first slice of cake. Then I let you find by yourself (;

  8. my sister and I always take the time to play all the games together and we have so much fun. These games are amazing and I hope they go on forever!

  9. Loved this game , although it was shorter than i expected 🙁 , but ig the games are so good i want them to go on forever haha , I’m curious to how grandma fits in with the forgotten hill story and when the next games will be coming out?

    1. You have to follow the arrows like this: If 3 arrows on one button face up, then you click the button that is three up away from the 3 arrowed button. I there is one arrow on a button that is facing sideways, then you click the button that is one away from the one arrowed button. Start on the down button in the 3rd row on the far right.

  10. loved it yet again never disappoints these games love them so glad i found them great series look forward to more

  11. “Grandma’s Delicious cakes” is a wonderful horror game! I love how it is not that long to play and also the best part is that the puzzles are not ordinary. This game is amazing, good job ^^

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